Good to know: You can change the Parousya parameters anytime and then just restart the app to apply the updated settings.
The 'App Management' side menu in the Parousya Customer Account contains the Parousya parameters. These settings control how the Parousya Component works and how the user interacts with the app.
Parousya Parameter
Zone Distance (meters)
The beacon zone's approximated radius in meters. This will vary depending on the environment and phone hardware.
5 meters
Zone Exit Delay (seconds)
This is the amount of time before a zone exit is verified. This setting prevents false positives such as erroneous exits that could break sessions and cause check-outs unexpectedly.
20 seconds
Check-in Sampling Interval (seconds)
This is the amount of time Parousya must be in the beacon zone before a check-in takes place.
5 seconds
Session Restart Delay (seconds)
This is the time it takes for a Host to start a new session with the same Customer after a previous session has concluded.
30 seconds
Host Check-in Timeout (meters)
The maximum amount of time a Host can be in a check-in state and utilised for housekeeping to clean up any 'stale' check-ins.
360 minutes
Customer Check-in Timeout (meters)
The maximum amount of time a Customer can be in a check-in state and utilised for housekeeping to clean up any 'stale' check-ins.
120 minutes
Session Timeout (meters)
The maximum amount of time a Session can be in a check-in state and utilised for housekeeping to clean up any 'stale' check-ins.